Implementation of Jury's Algorithm
1: #include<iostream.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: #include<stdio.h>
4: #include<stdlib.h>
5: #include<math.h>
6: void main(void)
7: {
8: int b[10]={0},mat[10],num1,temp,a[5],i,j;
9: clrscr();
10: cout<<"\n\t\tImplementation of Jury's Algorithm";
11: cout<<"\n\tInput number of coeff for D(z)::";
12: cin>>num1;
13: cout<<"\n\tInput Values::\n";
14: for(i=0;i<num1;i++)
15: {
16: cout<<"\n\tb["<<i<<"]::";
17: cin>>b[i];
18: }
19: if(b[num1-1]<0)
20: {
21: cout<<"System Unstable";
22: getch();
23: exit(0);
24: }
25: int Dz=0;
26: for(i=0;i<num1;i++)
27: Dz=Dz+pow(-1,i)*pow(-1,-i)*b[i];
28: if(Dz<0)
29: {
30: cout<<"System Unstable";
31: getch();
32: exit(0);
33: }
34: temp=num1-1;
35: for(i=0;i<(num1-3);i++)
36: {
37: if(b[0]<b[temp])
38: {
39: cout<<"\n\tSystem Unstable";
40: getch();
41: exit(0);
42: }
43: for(j=0;j<=temp;j++)
44: mat[j]=b[0]*b[j]-b[temp]*b[-j+temp];
45: temp--;
46: for(j=0;j<=temp;j++)
47: b[j]=mat[j];
48: }
49: if(b[0]<b[temp])
50: {
51: cout<<"\n\tSystem Unstable";
52: getch();
53: exit(0);
54: }
55: cout<<"\n\tSystem Stable";
56: getch();
57: }
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