Signals ans Systems ,Elements digital signal Processing , Continuous time and discrete time signals , Sampling Theorem , Discrete time signals , Discrete time systems , Z transform , Convolution and correlation.
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Signals ans Systems ,Elements digital signal Processing , Continuous time and discrete time signals , Sampling Theorem , Discrete time signals , Discrete time systems , Z transform , Convolution and correlation.
Posted by fasxxzczc on Thursday, 22 March 2012
More about → Signals ans Systems ,Elements digital signal Processing , Continuous time and discrete time signals , Sampling Theorem , Discrete time signals , Discrete time systems , Z transform , Convolution and correlation.
Implementation of Jury's Algorithm
Posted by fasxxzczc on Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Implementation of Jury's Algorithm
1: #include<iostream.h>
2: #include<conio.h>
3: #include<stdio.h>
4: #include<stdlib.h>
5: #include<math.h>
6: void main(void)
7: {
8: int b[10]={0},mat[10],num1,temp,a[5],i,j; [...]
Jury's Algorithm
Implementation of General Diffrence Equation
Posted by fasxxzczc
Implementation of General Diffrence Equation
Find the output of a system described by given difference equation and initial conditions for
given input sequence. (Solution of difference equation) (Obtain the response for different
systems by changing [...]
Circular Convolution of two sequences using DFT and IDFT
Posted by fasxxzczc
Circular Convolution of two sequences using DFT and IDFT
Compute the circular convolution of given two sequences using DFT and IDFT.
1: #include<graphics.h>
2: #include<iostream.h>
3: #include<conio.h>
4: #include<stdlib.h> [...]
Circular Convolution,
N Point Circular Convolution of sequences
Posted by fasxxzczc
N Point Circular Convolution of sequences
Problem Statement : Find the N point circular convolution of given two sequences. Test it for linear convolution
1: #include<graphics.h>
2: #include<iostream.h>
3: #include<conio.h> [...]
N Point Circular Convolution
N point DFT or IDFT of sequence
Posted by fasxxzczc
N point DFT or IDFT of sequence
Problem Statement :Find the N point DFT / IDFT of the given sequence x (n) .Plot the magnitude spectrum|X(K)| Vs K. (Analyze the output for different N and the same input sequence x(n). Also observe the periodicity [...]
IDFT sequence,
N point DFT
N-Point FFT Algorithm to find DFT or IDFT
Posted by fasxxzczc
N-Point FFT Algorithm to find DFT or IDFT
Problem Statement : Implement the N-point radix-2 DIT or DIF FFT algorithm to find DFT or IDFT of given sequence x (n). (Analyze the output for different N Program should work for any value of N (generalized)) [...]
N-Point FFT Algorithm
Pole Zero Plot from System function H(Z) Expressed as Rational Function
Posted by fasxxzczc
Pole Zero Plot from System function H(Z) Expressed as Rational Function
Problem Statement :Draw a pole zero plot from a given system function H(Z) expressed as rational function. (Display pole zero table and pole zero plot) .
1: #include<iostream.h> [...]
Magnitude and Phase Response of System
Posted by fasxxzczc
Magnitude and Phase Response of System
Problem Statement : Write a C program to plot the magnitude and phase response of a given system ( given: h(n): impulse response of system S) (Observe the frequency response for different systems. Compare [...]
Magnitude Response,
Phase Response System
FIR filter LPF, HPF, BPF using Windowing Method
Posted by fasxxzczc
FIR filter LPF, HPF, BPF using Windowing Method
Problem Statement : Design an FIR filter from given specifications using windowing method ( Program should work for different types of filter specifications i.e LPF, HPF, BPF etc and all window [...]
FIR filter,
Windowing Method
IIR Filter using Bilinear Transformation
Posted by fasxxzczc
IIR Filter using Bilinear Transformation
Problem Statement :Design of IIR filter for given specifications using Bilinear Transformation. (Programshouldwork for different types of filter specifications i.e LPF, HPF, BPF etc and for different
transfer [...]
Bilinear Transformation,
IIR Filter
Generate Waves of Sine , Cosine and Exponential Signals
Posted by fasxxzczc
Generate Waves of Sine , Cosine and Exponential Signals
Problem Statement : Write a C program to generate samples of sine, Cosine and exponential signals at specified sampling frequency and signal parameters
1: // Generation of samples of Cosine,Sine [...]
Cosine and Exponential Signals,
Input Sequence using Linear Convolution
Posted by fasxxzczc
Output of Input Sequence using Linear Convolution
Problem Statement : Find the output of a given system for given input sequence using linear convolution
1: // Generation of Standard Sequences (Unit Sample, Unit Ramp, Unit Step) [...]
Linear Convolution
Digital Signal Processing Syllabus
Posted by fasxxzczc

Digital Signal Processing